New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Paying for college can be daunting. Scholarships are yet another way you can help fund your college education. Below are a list of scholarships you may qualify for.
All scholarships are awarded based on available funds.
- New Hampshire residents pursuing a degree in nursing, medicine or social work
- Must demonstrate financial need and scholastic excellence
Further information and applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or Bennett Library, or by contacting:
Alice M Yarnold and Samuel Yarnold Scholarship Trust
PO Box 2303
Dover, NH 03821-2303
This scholarship is geared to the “non-traditional” student 23 years of age or older. Scholarships are intended for any of the following:
- Individuals upgrading their job skills or acquiring skills for job entry. (For example, but not limited to – LNA programs, recertification programs, cosmetology programs.)
- Candidates enrolled for a minimum of three college credits at any accredited facility.
- Graduate students
- Applicants living or working in one of the following New Hampshire towns: Meredith, Moultonborough, Center Harbor, New Hampton or Sandwich.
For further information and application contact:
Altrusa International, Inc. of Meredith, NH
PO Box 760
Meredith, NH 03253-1760
Applications available at the Financial Aid Office and Library
For an electronic copy of the application, contact Shirley Currier
- Be a resident of Bow
- Traditional and non-traditional students
Further information and applications available at this link.
The College Equal Opportunity (CEO) Scholarship Program recognizes college juniors and seniors with $5,000 scholarships. Each May, scholarships will be awarded to deserving students who demonstrate leadership abilities, an understanding of the need for higher education and financial need.
Applicant must be:
- NH Resident, although may attend college out-of-state
- Achieving ‘junior’ or ‘senior’ grade level
- Attaining a GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of application
Application available here.
A person who is a New Hampshire resident, who is under age 25, and who enrolls in one of New Hampshire’s Community Colleges shall not be required to pay tuition for attendance at such school if he or she is the child of a firefighter or police officer who dies while in performance of his or her duties and whose death was found to be compensable under RSA 281-A.
Any person entitled to free tuition under this section shall apply to the commissioner, who may require such proof as deemed necessary in order for a person to qualify for free tuition under this section. Click the link above to download the tuition waiver application form.
Submit completed application to the Commissioner at the System Office for approval, along with a copy of his/her driver’s license and the completed and notarized certification of employment form.
When approved, the Commissioner will sign the application; send a letter to the student with a copy of the approved application, and a copy to the appropriate College/Institute Business Office. The College will post the tuition waiver to the student’s account—once registered.
This scholarship targets students who have completed a substantial amount of community service. The application deadline is usually in May.
Criteria include:
- Must be enrolled at a community college
- Be a US citizen or legal permanent resident
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50
- May not be a son or daughter of a Coca-Cola employee
Application available at this link.
- Recipients of this award must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited Fire Science or Paramedic college or university degree program.
- Recipients of this award must have graduated from a New Hampshire or Maine High School. Reciipients can attend any Fire, EMS/Paramedic degree program in the United States.
Application available at this link.
Win $1,000 in scholarship money. is giving away three $1,000 scholarships per month.
To be eligible to compete for a scholarship award, the student:
- Must demonstrate interest in a career in flexography (Graphic Arts).
- Must be a high school senior with plans to attend a post-secondary institution (proof is required) or presently enrolled at a post-secondary institution offering a course of study in flexography
- Must exhibit exemplary performance in his/her studies, particularly in the area of Graphic Communications
- Must have an overall GPA of a least 3.0
For further information and applications click here.
- Current enrollment and matriculation in a state approved nursing program leading to an Associate degree, baccalaureate, diploma, generic pre-licensure doctorate or generic prelicensure master’s degree; or enrolled in an RN to BSN completion, RN to MSN completion, or LPN/LVN to RN program;
Matriculation means the student has applied to a state approved nursing school and has been admitted into the nursing program. - Pre-nursing students taking courses to prepare for matriculation into a nursing program
- Attending classes and taking no less than six (6) credits per semester;
- Involvement in student nursing organizations and community health activities;
- Document academic achievement;
- Establish financial need;
- High school students are not eligible to apply;
- U.S. Citizen or Alien with U.S. Permanent Resident Status/Alien Registration Number;
- Current enrollment and matriculation in a state approved nursing program leading to an Associate degree, baccalaureate, diploma, generic pre-licensure doctorate or generic prelicensure master’s degree; or enrolled in an RN to BSN completion, RN to MSN completion, or LPN/LVN to RN program;
For further information and applications click here.
- Must be pursuing a health-related field of study in an accredited institution
- Applicant continuously must have been and continue to be a resident of one of the following communities: Portsmouth, North Hampton, Greenland, Rye, Newington, New Castle, New Hampshire; or Kittery, Eliot, or York ,Maine for a minimum of two calendar years
For further information and applications click here.
the Granite Edvance Scholarship is now open for applications, with a deadline of May 31, 2024.
Excitingly, this year boasts a total of $500,000 in scholarships up for grabs!
For further details, visit this webpage.
The James A. McNeil Memorial Scholarship is awarded to to individuals pursuing a Fire Science Degree.
The James A McNeil Family will be awarding $1000.00 scholarships to two individuals pursuing a Fire Science Degree. One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Senior from Merrimack Valley High School and the other will be awarded to a graduating Senior residing in New Hampshire. This scholarship award of $1000.00 will be paid directly to an accredited post-secondary school of the recipient’s choice.
As a young teenager, Jim always aspired to serve his community through the fire service. He first joined the Concord Fire Explorers Program where he transitioned to a member of the Loudon Fire Department. His love for the service, hard work ethic and pride, carried him to a 20-year career with the City of Manchester Fire Department. Jim was an individual that carried a lot of pride in everything he touched and thrived to find ways to make people’s lives better, both personally and professionally. This scholarship recipient should exemplify Jim’s characteristics of hard work ethic, pride, community involvement and the kind willingness to help people in general.
The criteria for Eligibility for this scholarship is as follows:
- Applicant must be a graduating Senior from Merrimack Valley High School or a graduating Senior from New Hampshire.
- Student will attend an accredited post-secondary school.
- Scholarship will be paid upon receipt of documentation from post-secondary school certifying students’ enrollment.
- All information on this application will be held in strict confidence by the James A McNeil Family
Include with the scholarship application:
- 250 words or less essay stating how you will use your course enrollment to help within your community.
- Two current letters of recommendations from a school representative and/or fire department peer.
- Official copy of high school transcript.
- Graduating Seniors from New Hampshire must provide proof of New Hampshire residency.
Scholarship application deadline is April 30, 2021.
- Please click here for PDF application.
Candidates should be considering a future in one of the following careers:
- Carpenter, Construction Management, Construction Excavation, Structural Engineer, Architect, Interior Design, Landscaper, Landscape Architect, Drafting, Plumbing, HVAC, or Electrical
- Carpenter, Construction Management, Construction Excavation, Structural Engineer, Architect, Interior Design, Landscaper, Landscape Architect, Drafting, Plumbing, HVAC, or Electrical
For more information click on this link.
This scholarship is limited to LRGHealthcare employees, their immediate families, and teen volunteers. Applications are available at the front desk of Lakes Region General Hospital or Franklin Regional Hospital. If you would like information about this scholarship, please call 524-3211, extension 3663. Leave a message with your name and number and an auxiliary representative will return your call.
To apply, click on this link.
- Residents of the Lakes Region of New Hampshire
Only one application is necessary to apply for all the scholarship funds administered by Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation. Students may download the application, appraisal form and instructions here. Under the section “For Applicants”. Applications may also be obtained by calling 527-3533 or emailing.
Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private non-profit organization with the primary mission of providing financial assistance to Soldiers and their dependents in time of valid emergency need. The MG James Ursano Scholarship Program was established in 1976 as a secondary mission to help Army Families with undergraduate college expenses for their dependent children. The MG James Ursano Scholarship Program funds are limited; therefore scholarship awards are limited.
The MG James Ursano Scholarship Program offers scholarships based on financial need, academics and leadership/achievement for each academic year.
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale
- Be full-time undergraduate students for the entire academic year
- Be dependents of a Soldier on federal active duty, a retiree, or a deceased active or retired Soldier
For further information and application click on this link.
- Students may be any age
- Retraining for a career change or recent high school graduate
- Living or working out-of-state, as long as co-op work is with a dealership or dealer group based in Massachusetts
- Entering or currently enrolled at an automotive program at one of the colleges
Further information and application available by contacting:
Auto Tech Scholarships MA
Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation
One McKinley Square, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Phone: 617-451-1051 x 213
The Meredith Rotary Club’s “Non-Traditional” Scholarships are for single parents, military and Americorps veterans, career changers, late bloomers and others in or returning to school after being out of the educational system
- Age 25 or older
- Enrolled half-time or more, under-grad or graduate program
- Live or work in Meredith, Moultonborough, Center Harbor or Sandwich, New Hampshire
For further information and application click here.
- New Hampshire resident (male or female)
- Must be entering final year of program in a two-year school, majoring in a construction related field, i.e. engineering, electrical
- Grade point average of C or better (photocopy of transcripts must be attached to application)
- An essay of approximately 150 words stating why student has chosen the construction industry for their career
Application should be postmarked no later than April 1st. For more information click on this link.
This program is designed for a marketing, advertising, or communications student who is seriously interested in a career in direct marketing.
For more information click on this link.
- Must be resident of New England
- A senior or recent graduate of high school or currently enrolled in college that offers a certificate or degree related to printing or the graphic arts
For further information and application click here.
Information about the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Each year the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation distributes more than $4 million in grant aid and loans. They administer more than 350 separate funds.
For further information and applications click here.
- Applicant must be a least a senior in high school. College students and non-traditional students are eligible
- Must be a member of the NH Electric Co-op, or be residing with a parent or legal guardian that is a member of the NH Electric Co-op
Further information and application available at website.
Deadline: End of March
The criterion for applying is as follows:
- A non-traditional female or male student who is a current New Hampshire resident
- A non-traditional student who is enroll in school, having been in the work force, or having never been enrolled in a post-secondary institute of higher learning
- A non-traditional student pursing a course of study in a public service field
- The scholarship is awarded to applicants based on financial need.
- The amount of the scholarship is the sum of $1,000.
For further information and application contact:
New Hampshire Order of Women’s Legislators
Legislative Office Building
33 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
A qualified person must meet one of the following criteria:
- Current NHRA member or
- NH resident working in the field of rehabilitation to improve the quality of life for people with mental or physical disabilities, or
- Person employed in NH who works in the field of rehabilitation as described above
Susan D. Hilchey, M.Ed. CVE CRC
c/o Easter Seals NH
555 Auburn Street
Manchester, NH 03103
The NH Scholars award at LRCC is a $500 tuition waiver available to high school students who have graduated from a participating NH Scholar High School (see for a list of high schools) and who have completed the Core Course of Study upon graduation. LRCC may grant up to twelve (12) $500 NH Scholar awards.
Criteria include:
- Completion of the core Course of Study recognized by New Hampshire Scholars
- Matriculation in a degree program
- Enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) for the upcoming semester
- Have filed a FAFSA and completed the Financial Aid requirements
- High School GPA 3.0 minimum
For information Visit Other Automotive Scholarships.
The goal of Project Renew is to provide monetary grants for tuition to assist single parents and displaced homemakers who are matriculated in a Perkins approved career or technical degree program or certificate program. The Perkins approved program at LRCC are all degree and certificate programs of the college EXCEPT Liberal Arts, General Studies, Fine Arts, and Teacher Preparation. Liberal Arts, General Studies, Fine Arts, and Teacher Preparations students cannot apply for the Project Renew Grant.
To apply an applicant must:
- Be a single parent or displaced homemaker
- A “single parent” is an individual who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and has a minor child or children for who the parent has either custody or joint custody, or is pregnant and unmarried or legally separated from a spouse.
- A “displaced homemaker” is an individual who is an adult and has worked primarily without an income to care for home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills outside the home
- Be matriculated in an eligible degree program at LRCC
- Be a single parent or displaced homemaker
The SEMA Memorial Scholarship awards scholarships to students pursuing careers in the automotive aftermarket.
Student Requirements:
- Minimum 2.5 grade point average
- Must be enrolled in a full-time program with an accredited school
- Must be pursuing studies leading to a career in the automotive aftermarket or related field
- Must remain enrolled as a full-time student for the full academic year of the award
Further information and application available at website.
This scholarship was established to help residents of New Hampshire educate and better themselves, resulting in a stronger community. Students are selected to receive award based on financial need, academic merit, and other nonacademic factors such as community service, school activities and work experience.
For further information and application contact:
Skrungloo Farm, Inc.
Student Aid Program
c/o Bianco Professional Association
Attorney at Law
18 Centre Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-225-7170 or 800-262-8112
Learn about TechForce Scholarships
Tylenol awards scholarships to outstanding student in health related fields. Winners are selected based on leadership qualities and academic performance.